USA's Morris Debuts a Brand-New Melges 24 at 2024 European Championship

Cuyler Morris' Dark Horse (USA) - the newest Melges 24 in Split.

Cuyler Morris' Dark Horse (USA) - 2024 Diversified Melges 24 Worlds in San Francisco
©IM24CA | Zerogradinord

As the one and only competing U.S. boat at the 2024 Melges 24 European Championship, Cuyler Morris from Aspen, CO at the helm of Dark Horse, USA-870 will be racing the latest and greatest Melges 24 to roll off the Melges Performance Sailboats production line.

Based in Poland, tuned up by the primary supporter and spars dealer of the Melges 24 in Europe Hein Ruyten One Design, the Dark Horse team’s latest addition will be christen on Friday, September 28 — we can’t wait to witness this celebration!

Keiran Searle, Dark Horse Team Manager said their journey began in Miami about two years ago. Since then, they’ve been actively campaigning and seeing consistent improvement, finishing the recent Worlds in tenth position.

“After spending this summer racing in San Francisco and at the Worlds, we spoke with other competitors who emphasised how tough the European fleet is. With the 2025 Worlds being held in Trieste, we knew that the best preparation would be to step up our game, so we decided to buy a new boat and campaign in Europe. We wanted to have some fun while getting ourselves in the best shape possible for the World Championship. The timing worked out perfectly, with boat #870 already in stock and ready to go,” continued Searle.

“Thanks to the fantastic team at Melges Performance Sailboats and Hein Ruyten One Design, we were able to order, register, insure, and fully prep the boat in just three weeks. Now, here we are at our first regatta in Split, competing with nearly 50 other teams—and we couldn’t be more excited!”


Official European Championship racing will commence on Monday, September 30 and complete on Friday, October 4. Tune into these links to keep up with the 2024 Euros!

Event website: 
Official Notice Board: 
Sailing Club Split website: 
IM24CA website: 
CRO M24CA website: 
Melges 24 European Sailing Series 2024 ranking after 9 events

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Instagram accounts - IM24CA | CROM24CA | SC Club Split
Facebook accounts - IM24CA | CROM24CA | SC Club Split
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