2024 U.S. Melges 24 Nationals Competitor Announcement No 2 - Corinthian Competition

Dear Melges 24 Teams,

Calling all Melges 24 teams competing at the 2024 U.S. Nationals! Is your team a perfect fit for the all-amateur Corinthian Division? Here is what you need to do to make sure your team is confirmed.

The deadline for Corinthian competition is Monday, July 1.

1.) Complete a Corinthian Declaration Form at this link: https://usmelges24.com/corinthiandeclaration
Please be sure to include all team member names, their World Sailing Sailor IDs, categorizations and expirations.

For a crew member to be considered valid/qualify for competition, their Sailor ID and categorization must be current. Expired Sailor IDs and categorizations must be renewed prior to competition online here: https://www.sailing.org/sailors/world-sailing-profile/

NOTE: Even if you are still working on getting your numbers and categorization sorted, please submit this by July 1 to declare your intention to compete as a Corinthian team.

2.) The U.S. Melges 24 Class will confirm your entry by placing your team on the Corinthian Division Scratch Sheet. Each crew member will also be marked ‘Class Approved’ on the Crew List. Teams that do not have all crew members marked as ‘Class Approved’ will not be confirmed to compete in the Corinthian division.

For more information or assistance with your Corinthian entry, please contact the USM24CA Admin, Joy Dunigan ASAP.