2024 U.S. Melges 24 Nationals Competitor Announcement, No 1 - General

Dear Melges 24 teams,

This is the first of several communications you will receive over the next few days to help you and your team prepare for competition in Santa Barbara. While many of these items may already be familiar to you, please read over these general housekeeping points carefully.

For those of you planning to move on to race in the Pacific Coast Championship (PCCs) and Worlds, some of these items will also be required. This is your chance to get everything sorted well in advance, ensuring your boat and team are race-ready for those events as well.

*** New 2024 Melges 24 Class Rules are in effect ***
The new Melges 24 Class Rules have been updated to reflect some of the following changes:
• C.2 - the weight rule has been removed (no weigh-in!!!)
• C.2.1 - your crew shall consist of a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 6 persons
• C.2.1 - as part of registration for any Melges 24 event, all crew shall be registered and shall be identified in any entry list, scratch sheet and result listing
• B.2  - membership — Category 3 sailors must be a full member of the NCA

Here is the link to the full 2024 Melges 24 Class Rules:

Here is a link to the 2024 Melges 24 Class Rules Changes Summary:

Class Membership is required for National Championship competition. To join, visit this link: https://usmelges24.com/join

Check this list online at melges24.com (IM24CA) to confirm your Class Membership:

Because there is no weigh-in (yeah!), it is required that your crew is listed online at Yachtscoring. Please take a moment to complete and/or update your crew lists here: https://yachtscoring.com/current_event_entries.cfm?eID=16373

A valid Melges 24 Measurement Certificate for your boat is required for National Championship competition.
• Your measurement certificate is considered valid only if it is in the name of the current owner (not the previous).
• If you have a measurement certificate and it needs to be transferred into your name, please contact USMCA Class Admin, Joy Dunigan for guidance.
• If you do not have a measurement certificate at all, again please contact USMCA Class Admin, Joy Dunigan for guidance and further assistance.

The early entry fee deadline is June 30. Be sure to pay your entry fee by this date to avoid the late fee.

To qualify for the Corinthian division, please be sure to complete your Corinthian Declaration Form by Monday, July 1.
Apply to qualify: https://usmelges24.com/corinthiandeclaration

If any team has any questions or needs assistance, please contact USMCA Class Admin, Joy Dunigan on email.