Melges 24 Class Takes on U.S. Sailing's One Design Challenge

In light of the Melges 24’s humble beginnings and long-standing heritage, the USM24CA has partnered with US Sailing to commence — the Melges 24 One Design Challenge.

“Many of these very driven young sailors give up because in the U.S., they do not have government assistance to help transition into high-performance boats, or provide them with clear pathways in the sport of sailing, or get them the best coaching possible. It is entirely up to the sailing community to support them. It is the only way they will have a chance to fulfill their dreams,” says Duane Yoslov, owner of USA-855 Looper.

So many young U.S. sailors are not only tasked with excelling as an athlete in the sailing world, but they also have to raise funds to make that dream a reality. Already, several Melges 24 Owners have taken the challenge and made a donation that will make a difference!

“The Melges 24 is considered by many to be one of the most competitive classes within one design racing. We often have the opportunity to compete against past and present America’s Cup sailors, Olympic team members and medalists and World Champions. The passion for one design sailing is exemplified in US Sailing, and most of us find ourselves following the US team on social media and cheering them on, looking forward to our own next adventures on the water. Supporting US Sailing through the One Design Challenge is an easy step to take — why not support the sport we love so much and assist our fellow competitors in chasing their dream?  I know we all look forward to following their successes and for the next opportunity we have to compete with them in the best sportboat - the Melges 24!” 
- KC Shannon, U.S. Melges 24 Class Vice President

Join the USM24CA in helping these aspiring sailors achieve their goals and succeed by making your donation today!